Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Three Essential Nonverbals for Teen Icon Wannabes

(1) GRIN. Do this constantly. Until your cheeks hurt. Don't stop. But check teeth for snoogies first. (2) WAVE. Not like the queen of England. Don't turn your hand so that your own palm faces your face. This might be taken as an obscene gesture in some countries with a name ending ins "stan." (3) GIGGLE. Whenever. About whatever. Don't make it sound like you're taking strong doses of medication.

Okay, intergalactics, despite your sweet words, I'm not quite there yet, but tomorrow, after The Makeover, I get a second chance to burst onto the scene as a star. WE face the press at some vent on campus at UCLA, Dad's alma mater, where I"ll be looking (hopefully) less like a Michale Jackson/baggage handler and more like the glam princess I promised you I'd be.

Also check out SammySez.com in a couple of days if you want to meet the "persona" they've invented for me. Can't wait to hear what you think about Sammy Righton, All-American girl.
Remember:keep your comments, short, clean and to the point. Peace be with you. Sparrow.

1 comment:

Moi said...

Hey I love Sparrow I think she rocks and she's a good role model!
Thanx Sparrow Keep on Writing til it Hurts cause whatyou write and say is good,true and from the heart! Totally!
Your Fan,